Eye of Shiva large 925 stlering silver ring, with green, brown, and white shell. Size 9 available.
In the wild Shiva's Eye is the natural protective “front door” of the turban snail. At the end of the sea snail's natural life, this protective cover breaks away and sinks to the sea bed to become a sought-after treasure, brought up from the sea bed by divers to be used in jewelry. The exact shape of the spiral is unique from shell to shell. The color of the spiral varies from beige to deep green, depending on the sea snail's diet, while the background often remains pearly white, but not in this case, the background is beige with dark green gradients.
Natural Shiva Eyes is made up of calcium carbonate, just like genuine pearls.
Deutsche: Shiva Auge, Shiva Augen
Español: Ojo de Shiva